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  1. "...a letter which set forth the idea of founding a city where postal clerks, retired on a well-earned annuity, could have their homes and live in peach and happiness." (1)
  2. "An Account of East and West Florida" (1)
  3. "Be Our Guest" (2)
  4. "Every Man Can Own A Farm. Farming Lands in Leon and Wakulla Counties, Western Florida. Small farms, fertile soil, no irrigation required, ample transportation and good markets, from $5.00 per acre and upwards. All cash, part cash, or by small monthly payments." (2)
  5. "Journal" Job Press Print (1)
  6. "Tampa...Florida's Distributing Center [/] Main Trunk Lines to Mid-West, North and East from Tampa." "Tampa Trade Territory"--the parts of Florida "to which freight rates are lower from TAMPA [sic] than from other Florida distributing points"--is shaded in yellow. Transportation lines are marked in red, and dotted lines in the water indicate shipping. A text box near the left edge of the page lists twelve facts connected with trade. (2)
  7. "Warning: due to war conditions, lights radio facilities and other aids to air navigation may be changed or discontinued without notice." (1)
  8. . (1)
  9. [Map of southern Florida and the Keys]. (1)
  10. [Pensacola and Mobile area] (2)
  11. [Pensacola-Mobile area] (4)
  12. [Pensacola-Mobile area]. (2)
  13. [Pensacola-Mobile region] (4)
  14. [Pensacola-Mobile region]. (2)
  15. “HOMES IN FLORIDA suited to the FARMER, the FRUIT GROWER, the VINEYARDIST the BUSINESS MAN, the RETIRED MAN, the INVALID, the STUDENT the LOVER of the PICTURESQUE – are found on the line of the FLORIDA CENTRAL and PENINSULAR R.R…” (2)