Browse All : "Tampa...Florida's Distributing Center [/] Main Trunk Lines to Mid-West, North and East from Tampa." "Tampa Trade Territory"--the parts of Florida "to which freight rates are lower from TAMPA [sic] than from other Florida distributing points"--is shaded in yellow. Transportation lines are marked in red, and dotted lines in the water indicate shipping. A text box near the left edge of the page lists twelve facts connected with trade. and "Tampa...Florida's Distributing Center [/] Main Trunk Lines to Mid-West, North and East from Tampa." "Tampa Trade Territory"--the parts of Florida "to which freight rates are lower from TAMPA [sic] than from other Florida distributing points"--is shaded in yellow. Transportation lines are marked in red, and dotted lines in the water indicate shipping. A text box near the left edge of the page lists twelve facts connected with trade.

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Tampa The Vacation Capital of South Florida
Tampa The Vacation Capi...
Short Title
Tampa The Vacation Capital of South Florida
Tampa The Vacation Capital of South Florida
Tampa The Vacation Capi...
Short Title
Tampa The Vacation Capital of South Florida
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